Do I have to wear a face mask or covering?

In the UK, there are 5.4 million people who are currently receiving treatment for asthma. 1.1 million are children, and 4.3 million are adults. I am one of those adults, following a diagnosis at the age of 27. Asthma doesn’t always affect day to day life, but since COVID-19 and Coronavirus, things has changed for…

Is your back being a pain?

There are many of us who suffer with back pain. Are you suffering in silence, or have you sought professional help? It’s estimated that 8 in every 10 people in the UK are affected by back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is very common and thankfully, it often improves within a…

So what now?

So what now? That is a question that many of us are asking. Where can we go? Who can we see? What is a ‘bubble’? There are so many questions which don’t seem to have a definitive answer, and this confusing many of us! For me, I’m just going to carry on using my common…