The benefits of Vitamin D

We all need Vitamin D. It helps us to regulate calcium and phosphate in our bodies. These nutrients are needed for bone, teeth and muscle health. So how can we get more vitamin D in our diet? In the current climate of Coronavirus, it is recommended that we take 10 micrograms of vitamin D each…

One for the ladies!

So this blog really is for the ladies only. Did you know that more than a third of all women experience unwelcome bladder leakage when they cough or sneeze? Maybe this has happened to you? Is your pelvic floor in need of strengthening? This is nothing to be embarrassed about, and something which can be…

A positive lockdown

Lockdown isn’t a choice for us, so why not make it a positive experience? Maybe go for a long walk each day? Or find your passion for baking again? This situation has been presented to us, so why not make it work for you?   I have discovered a passion for walking, For my permitted…